The Times of Your Life
Your questions are about...

Getting on the right track
Establishing your career
Smart debt

Staying on the right track
Growing your career
Raising your family

Future retirement
Leveraging a legacy
Launching your children
Mindful retirement
Leaving a legacy
Caring and being cared for
Or you are in your... 20s or 30s 30s or 40s 40s or 50s 50s and beyond
Meet us for an... Introductory Meeting
(One hour, no charge)
Introductory Meeting
(One hour, no charge)
Introductory Meeting
(One hour, no charge)
Introductory Meeting
(One hour, no charge)
Then start with our... Pathfinder
($400 fee, two months)
($400 fee, two months)
Initial Financial Plan
(Fee varies, two months)
Initial Financial Plan
(Fee varies, two months)
And continue with our... Monthly Journey
($40 per month)*
Monthly Journey
($40 per month)*
Annual Retainer
($500 per year)*
Annual Retainer
($500 per year)*


Your money is just that: your money.

We do not take custody of any cash, securities, or other investment assets.

* We do provide investment advisory services for your funds held outside your employer accounts.  Basing our fees – starting at 1% per year, billed quarterly directly from your investment accounts at Charles Schwab – on the amount of money you keep helps align our goals with yours.